Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Less Like Christmas, And Other News

As I write this, it seems incredible to me that we're already at the end of the first week of the new year! I feel like we were literally just in Wichita, having the time of our lives for Christmas. Ok, maybe hanging out at Mom & Dad's, baking, playing board games, reliving old traditions and making new memories isn't everyone's idea of having the time of their life, but considering I hadn't been home in six months and have missed my family immensely, those two weeks were a godsend. 

Would definitely recommend flying next time, as opposed to that sixteen hour road trip, but I loved that Sundown got to come!
However, as they say, time waits for no one and here we are: January 7th and what a whirlwind of a year 2015 is already proving to be! 

This makes the third year in a row that Reg has managed to elude the dreaded chore of taking down Christmas decorations - I'm not even mad; just jealous! Nonetheless, I got everything down, packed away, and harassed Reg into storing everything in the attic (hey, it was the least he could do) by January 1st - a personal record! 

It's beginning to look a lot less like Christmas!
As much as I adore decorating for the holidays, there's something to be said for the peace and tranquility of a freshly cleaned and redecorated home once January rolls around. It's also the perfect time to revamp your style, which is how we ended up with a new dining room rug and bedroom comforter that I am in love with. 

Unless Reg is reading this, in which case they've always been there and he's just failed to notice them. Whew. That was close. 

In other news, as almost everyone who knows me knows, we had the pleasure of adopting our lab-mix, Sundown, a year ago (January 3rd, 2014 to be exact) and he's been the best, sweetest dog we could have hoped for. After pressuring Reg into it for forever, he finally relented, I mean, we came to the conclusion together that we would like to add another dog to our family and celebrated Sundown's adoption date this past weekend by rescuing this snuggle monster from a local shelter.

Meet Achilles, our newest fur-baby! His ears melt my heart.
But wait! We're actually a family of FIVE now. No, sorry, I'm not pregnant yet, we just also got Francis the fish this week! If you get the name reference, you, my fellow bookworm friend, are awesome. 

Other than that, it's pretty much an enchanted life as per usual down here. The new semester has begun and I've also created this blog. It's something I've been tossing around in my head for over a year now and I just never quite seemed to get around to it. I think a part of me was afraid to put myself out there, but then I came to an important realization: I don't have to care if someone else likes it or not. I'm not doing it for fame, or glory, or to please anybody else. I'm doing it because it's something I've wanted to do for myself. And right after I had this epiphany and published my first post, a favorite song by Francesca Battistelli came on the radio:

"He calls me chosen, free forgiven, wanted, child of the King,
His forever, held in treasure...
I am loved
I don't need my name in lights...
I'm famous in my Father's eyes..."

So, in an effort to live up to my New Year's "resolution," I'm spending my time intentionally and doing something meaningful to me

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! How's 2015 treating you so far? 
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